October 26, 2007

Political Compass

Perfect example of our public school system working to brainwash our youth: Honors Government.

In a class where students are supposed to learn, oh I don't know, about the government, we are encouraged to explore our political views (as long as they coincide with Union goals). In the course of one week, my class took part in both a debate concerning the competency of our president and a beautifully slanted survey of political standpoints.

Ah, politicalcompass.org! How your equity eludes me so! I encourage all to visit this site to get the full experience to which I am referring. Forget about the extent to which all the questions were loaded for a moment because I'd really like to discuss the scoring methods used.

The results of your very own political compass are displayed on a graph divided into quadrants. The x-axis refers to one's economic position, while the y-axis charts social ideas. Economically, you are charted as either liberal or conservative. Socially (you ready for this), they categorize you as either libertarian or, my personal favorite, AUTHORITARIAN. Wow!

Anybody up for guessing where I landed on this scale? I'll give you a hint, I was a little lower socially than Hitler and in the same quadrant.

Much to my feigned surprise, I was completely opposite from all my classmates who found themselves amongst Gandhi. When I proceeded to turn this assignment in, I was told to retake the survey when I had more time, because it appeared that my placement was inaccurate. (I did write a bunch of essays discussing the inequality homosexuals and Muslims faced in order to score higher on some tests...) Oops...

So, whenever someone tells you that you're just a close-minded conservative, I hope you'll think it a compliment. Liberals are famous for double talk, you know.

A little introduction...

I am your average high school senior in almost every regard. With four Advanced Placement classes, one Honors course, and my job as the sole copy-editor of my school yearbook, I manage to maintain my all A average. Still, I value one achievement above all else. My name is Melanie Wallace, and I have managed to remain a proud conservative in the public school system.

I have been put down, drowned out, and even persecuted for my political views. Friends have called me stupid, ignorant, and close-minded. Their efforts to hurt my beliefs only further strengthen them.

My fellow conservatives, it is time to rise up. We are the future of this great country, and, in turn, we hold the fate of the entire world in our very hands. All eyes rest on America, and we cannot afford to betray their respect. Now more than ever, the country finds itself divided. Ladies and gentlemen, we are looking at the potential for a huge change in the way America is governed.

As much as I hate to admit this, Hillary Rodham Clinton could very well be our next president. I mean, take a look at the Republican ticket going into the primaries. There are no new ideas. There is no promise for a better tomorrow. Not one of the Republican candidates actually stands for something important.

Our nation is misinformed and misled on a daily basis by so-called unbiased news reports. My graduating class is full of brainwashed teens dying to vote for the rights of women, homosexuals, and the poor. They use pathos based arguments where logic is required. They know no facts or statistics. This is the future of America, if there even is such a thing.